Saturday, January 27, 2007


If you've been frustrated at the slow progress of elected officials to feed the world's hungry, or to stop domestic abuse, or to end war and ethnic strife in our time, I know you must feel much the way I do, knowing that all the Democrats just elected to end corruption have not yet saved the tiger,or the sperm whale, stopped childhood disease, brought the 2 billion starving people to a caloric intake somewhat equal to that of the 3 1/2 billion now suffering from obesity worldwide, ended the giving of favors to relatives and tribesmen, stopped the clash between muslim and jew, jew and christian, christian and muslim, and ended the horrific maltreatment of farm animals brought to feedlots to fatten grotesquely, and then die horribly, to make high cholesterol tasty treats for obese Americans with diabetes, have not stopped childhood prostitution, or the 'honor' killings of wives in India and south America, or ended the horrible nepotistic corruption in Mexican life that sends thousands of illegals to our shores each day, or the gang terror now holding great swaths of urban America hostage to extortion, drug use, criminality and poverty, I urge you to come out this Friday, or maybe next Saturday, and simply write a check to "Our Cause". You will be much the better for having done so, believe me! The way it will work is a bit like buying "carbon credits" before taking a long luxury air flight---- things will still be lousy, nothing will change, but by doing what looks on the surface like the "right thing", you will have ended your own personal guilt at living in a world that sucked 6000 years ago, sucks now, and will suck 6000 years from now (should we last that long). Here's a bright idea!--- Just show up, elect the guy we want you to elect, pay us a contribution, help us have easy "careers" taking your money, and turning you out for rallies, and at least we can promise you redemption, even if we can't really give it to you. As long as you are as isolated, naive, and fantasy-obsessed as the writers of this recruitment ad hope you are, you won't be able to perceive that we are fishing on the internet for your internal dissatisfaction and guilt, and using it to rip you off, to establish one more bogus email list, and then sell the list, with you on it, to some non-existent "green commerce" startup project that will go nowhere because it is just another wish, using a fad, deception, standard progressive buzzwords, and garish comic-book-level writing, to try to gain pennies per (your) click on the internet. But don't worry, being "green" has social uses for you individually, aside from any shabby scam reality in the big world. What it can do is provide you with 'branding'.... how,.. just how can you set yourself apart from lowlife hitters, sports guys ,drunks and dizbat bimboes, so that the potential interactional partners, or liaison interests you are searching for will take you seriously, not abuse you and walk away, leaving you broken, second rate used goods? Well, its easy. Join a cause, and you can have all the "I want you, do you want me" conversations under cover of a figleaf--the cause! You don't even have to try to pick anyone up (ugh), all you need to do , is show lots of "passion for the cause", and you will (possibly) get noticed, and maybe even pick up a following. The beauty of THAT is, now you never have to try to get anyone interested in you, and maybe fail,, you can pick'n'choose from all your little entourage members, and the sex (or the fantasy sex,.. whatever) is a service, not a romance. What a great plan! Every little Jack & Jill, with an entourage! And it all comes from not talking about your isolation, your loneliness, or your unmet inner needs, it all comes from "Hating The Pigs" together, or "Hating War" together, or "Hating Injustice" together. It's the greatest not-a-date-but-really-a-date , dating service yet known to webkind (modern day successor to mankind). So come join us at a hate-the-pigs, hate-the-war, hate the darkness rally, join up, meet up, have a not-a-date, and march together, towards the light. (Unless, of course, everyone there is a loser, a geek, a fat girl, a wacko psychotic, a predator, or a pimple-faced nerd, in which case you will have to find ANOTHER "progressive cause" to "champion"). Even if you are middle-aged, and nominally beyond dating age, we can still provide you at least the HOPE that someone exciting, and almost appropriate will be there, gazing across the crowded, smoke-filled room, just like you, with your Al Gore pin still on your sweater for all to see! Perhaps even your annoyance at the smoke in the smoke-filled room can be seen, and act as an attractant, a kind of "progressive pheromone", and you can discuss never allowing smoking in any future meetings--and VOILA'-- you will be hooked up! Not old anymore! Almost in Not-a-Love! Feeling those juices run once more! Vibrating your Kundalini like a wet tambourine!...Peace! Justice! No War!! END INJUSTICE NOW!!!!



tags: nuclear indian point royce john hall porgie remy loser psycho scam artist chain letter phishing porno peekskill maniac unemployed dreamer hate monger entergy energy pia dinero boo strontium tritium librium chewing gum crazy bum