Saturday, February 3, 2007


The Web Drifters.

Loners with no children. Predators with no careers....Men in their fifties, each being supported by a manipulated female family member, so that they have time on their hands, and do not work. Men with no teenage boy to mentor, guide, and teach how to be a good citizen, or a good baseball player, college-age daughter to cherish, and to learn from, and prepare for life. No children, no family future to guard, no old age , or grandchildren to look forward to, no family line, for whom to save the planet. Two childless idlers, powerless and dependent, one living off his aged mother, one living off his working wife. These oddlings, loners nearing 60, are NOT environmentalists, as most people understand the word.

They do not fear, fight, or say one word about the lead being spewed from the huge Eberhard paint factories in Peekskill. Nor do they fear, or fight, or try to clean up the napthol benzine being released from the dry cleaner at Blue Mountain Mall in Peekskill, (where hazmat teams had to decontaminate the entire strip mall 4 years ago), or from the old dry cleaner site in Baldwin, where the mall had to be abandoned for 8 years because of the poison. They just don't care. Again, they do not fear, or fight, the dioxins & PCB's spewed from the stack of Resco incinerator daily, and nightly, 24-7-365, the fumes from which blow directly onto one member's house at 351 Dyckman street ** . No mention is made of the chlorine tanks kept in a blockhouse at the corner of South and Louisa st, 300 yards from one man's front porch. The deadly chlorine gas does not concern him, nor does the salt stored nearby, at the Peekskill municipal salt house, salt which leaches into the river, killing fish and waterfowl.. He does not care about Karta Garbage Transfer, visible from his front porch, where clouds of asbestos, lead, heavy metals, and carcinogens rise up each day, coating his house a mere 1/4 mile downwind, and where 2 Mexican workers have been torn to their deaths in the shredding machinery, one man never ever being found. These environmental abuses, and health threats, surrounding them on all sides, are invisible to them, of no concern. They ignore the raw sewage pumped into the Hudson at Annsville Creek, and at Lent's cove, reeking , disgusting abuses, within 300 yards of their doorstep. Why? Would a true environmentalist ignore all this criminal earth-bashing, and contain his focus to only a single spot? Is not nature holistic, a multifaceted, entangled whole, whose every part provides sustenance to another part? Answer: Yes it is. But do they see this , or care? Answer: No they do not.

They "care" about only one place, and stay up all night at their PC keyboards, ranting about a single spot, ignoring the rest of humanity and its needs. Ignoring the rest of us, and all our opinions, all our triumphs , our mutual adjustments, our common hopes, our lifestyle, our interactions, our sports, our drama, and not coincidentally, our future. They are perpetrators of "Single Issue Myopia".

So what is it, that they think they are doing?

1) They are "branding"
2) In furtherance of the branding, they are obsessing.

Branding, a web phenomenon, involves identifying yourself with a logo, a phrase, or a specific campaign focus, in order to raise personal visibility on the web, so that you may eventually cash in, and begin to sell ad space on your website, and to seek donations from websurfing people at large. It is specifically taught by web technique gurus, and is being much talked about today. The top "branded" bloggers have even gotten book deals, and radio & TV spot interviews, and many, many "branded" bloggers now make a small, but steady, income off their following, people who adhere to their "brand" .

These birds are trying to milk the local activist movement, to get themselves branded.

But .....are they approaching the local activist movement (which they intend to provide their clientele) a spirit of humility, gratitude, and acknowledgement of decades of effort sunk into the movement by local activists going back to the 1960's? No, they are not. They began by harrassing all the local groups, accusing them of not being extreme enough, not obsessive enough, not hateful enough. Why? Aside from being boorish web-thugs at heart, such acknowledgement COULD NOT HELP THEIR BRANDING EFFORT.....Of what use could it be to their branding campaign to join up, sit down, listen, become a worker, help out, FIT IN, and follow the established leaders? That would only help the OLD group, not them,... not THEIR website, not their "brand".

So here we have it, in all its shabby hubris, its isolated psychopathic slant, its shallow useless aims, its malicious and devious positioning, and those few who actually visit this blog of theirs will notice lately, talk about "needing contributions", and how every army "fights on its stomach". Need I say more? Beware these web-predators. If they are lucid, you will only be hectored, drawn away onto their own little personality island of hate, drawn away from the existing environmental conversation, and asked for money. If they are NOT lucid, your personal danger in becoming involved with them, may have no limits.

They chose their target, because it had a certain innate visibility, and had been attacked by others in the past, giving it, from a distance, a sort of sinister charm. Both of the perpetrators have a recent history of trying out one web campaign, or another web campaign, being unsuccessful, asking for contributions, and then giving up, to drift on to another similar self promotion a few months later. They are lost souls, ....electronic hoboes, ......Web Drifters.